Functional Training is a training that involves the body in its totality, with multi-joint exercises carried out on all axes and planes of space, that can be adapted to everyone, from the very sporty person to those who are mostly sedentary.
It is delivered in a free-body work out setting or with small tools and helps improve the interaction with the environment, simultaneously developing:
Starting from the definition of functional training, it is clear how its main purpose is the emphasis on the functionality of the proposed exercises, which are designed to prepare the body for the challenges it faces in its daily actions.
The intent is to make each movement more and more effective and efficient, so that the repetition of the same "conditions" the body to perform the same action in the most economical, safe, and efficient way.
Functional Training teaches the body to work as a unit and trains different muscle groups at the same time without focusing only on a specific district, therefore to get used to relying on the integration of the parts.
The functional training exercises, unlike those carried out with typical gym machines, promote the recovery and development of the basic motor patterns and fundamental movements that man has developed during his evolution, when the only one is main "tool" was his own body: squatting, bending, lunging, pushing, pulling, rolling & twisting and gait.
The benefits of functional training are many and, since the exercises are always different and can become progressively more intense, they affect the body both physically and mentally. If done correctly, Functional Training can: strengthen the body as a whole, increase muscle mass, stabilize the core and general body stability, improve posture, tone muscles, help prevent injuries, protect joints , increase proprioception and awareness, stimulate reactivity, challenge balance and coordination, intensify cardio-respiratory capacity, promote weight loss and the consumption of calories, offer an escape valve to get rid of stress, overcome the monotony of repetitive and not very stimulating workouts, prepare for ever new challenges and therefore instill determination and confidence.
Since it involves the body in its complexity, without acting on just a few muscles at a time, functional training allows you to obtain a general and pleasant body harmony in a short time.
The body is undoubtedly the most complete, safe and stimulating tool that everyone can have at their disposal to start training. Later, to vary the exercises or gradually intensify the difficulty, there are numerous tools that can be used for different purposes, including: kettlebells, fitballs, medicine balls, skipping ropes and ropes, elastic bands, proprioceptive tablets, sliders, barbells and handlebars, TRX and foam rollers.