This class focus on training the lower body, legs, and buttocks specifically, with more or less high work intensities.
Humans are bipedal, they perform most tasks and sports on two legs and many upper body movements are coordinated and guided by the lower body, which is why it is said that a significant part of the "muscle in your body" is below the waist "which is why it is so important to train the lower body.
Lower limbs muscles are extremely important for the overall health and well-being since they support the hips and pelvis.
The point where the lower back joins the pelvis bone is where the weight of the upper body is transferred to the legs, which support much of your body.
So, for every functional movement - walking, bending over, climbing stairs, sitting or standing - a solid foundation is needed to stabilize and support the rest of the body.
Keeping your lower body strong and fit can help in:
Many studies have shown that exclusive lower body training has transfer effects on the rest of the body.
Squats, lunges, jumps can be some of the exercises proposed in the course, carried out with free body or with the use of certain tools (barbells, dumbbells, kettlebells, elastic bands or fitballs).