The term “Pump” refers to a workout that works mainly on the resistant (or slow) muscle groups, with pumping of the muscle. These muscle groups are in fact characterized by a considerable resistance to fatigue, allowing a high number of repetitions of the same exercise.
The Pump course involves the use of easy combinations of movements that are kept fixed and repeated for a certain period of time. This allows you to learn and focus on the correct execution of movements and workloads.
The training protocols used in the Pump lesson, such as agonist / antagonist training, series for the same muscle group or Circuit training, are all taken from the weight room and adapted to group activity in the fitness room.
The Pump & Strength course performs the same exercises as the weight room, but with low loads and high repetitions, with background music.
Classes allow you to gain the benefits of muscle conditioning.
This type of training improves anaerobic endurance in an initial phase and, in a later phase, when the pace of exercises increases, it also improves aerobic endurance.
The benefits of the Pump include the strengthening of tendons and bones, elimination of toxins for tissue oxygenation, toning up of muscles without a large increase in muscle hypertrophy and an increase in basal metabolism.
The lessons stimulate the body with overloads and exhaustion series in order to increase the calories burned by the basal metabolism which is active while we train and throughout the rest of the twenty-four hours.
It is scientifically proven that training with overloads leads to an increase in metabolism for about fifteen or sixteen hours after the activity, while aerobics does so only for a few hours.
In this way, your body composition is optimized, to the advantage of toned muscles over fat.