Total Body

Total Body

Literally "whole body", training that involves, within the micro cycle, a single session workout that involves one or more movements dedicated to both the muscles of the lower part of the body and those of the upper body.

Train the whole body in a single session, conceiving the body as a system that cannot be separated into individual parts.

It is based on a series of different exercises: static, dynamic, functional balance, strength and muscle definition. During the session, natural load exercises can be performed, using only the weight of the body, large and small fitness equipment (steps, anklets or elastic bands), and/or cardio machines.

The Total Body training combines different training techniques, is suitable for every physical need, and its constant practice in the gym or outdoor brings genuinely satisfying results.

Squats, lunges, crunches, pushups and plank can be performed through: muscle exercises with the use of fitness machines, aerobic exercises with an increase in heart rate by 60-80 percent of your maximum, circuits, functional tools and bodyweight exercises. A session lasts an average of 45 minutes and includes three phases: warm-up, training, cool-down and stretching.

The benefits of Total Body training concern both muscles strengthening and an improvement in the efficiency of the respiratory and cardiovascular systems.

The Total Body workout is a valid training method not only to increase physical endurance and muscles, but also to increase the general quality of physical and athletic performance.